
GPS coordinates of trees , creating a network of trees and producing a tract record and data of their availability an opportunity to determine the rate and abundance of trees in the Limbe Municipality.

We can only be strong and more stronger if we work together towards the Sustainable development Goals ,  Eco-empowerment Cameroon, is working hard for a sustainable climate solutions by joining hands with dynamic individuals without any sort of  restrictions .

Eco-empowerment making the difference, everyone is part of the solution to mitigate climate change .

Plant a tree and contributes to the reduction of CO2 to 0.2% ,

With Eco-empowerment, our contributions to mitigate climate change and reduce the effects of global warming does not only centers around planting of trees but other environmental friendly activities, with high level of Environmental impact assessment checks .

On the world tree day . Planting 2000 trees for the Limbe 1 Municipality for the fight against climate change and mitigate the effects of global warming.

Members of Eco Empowerment Cameroon on the world tree day . Planting trees at the Limbe 2 municipality

Eco-empowerment Cameroon planting 2000 Trees, showcasing their dedication and commitment to reforestation and environmental friendly activities.

Eco-empowerment Cameroon, “our difference is clear” , with Eco Empowerment everyone is involved ,  Children commitment and participation in reforestation projects is a prerequisite for a sustainable climate and a solution to climate change.

Female participation in Climate adaptation and mitigation through tree planting at the Limbe 2 municipality ( by Co-founder of Eco Empowerment ( Mrs. PATU ALI).

Madame PATU ALI Planting Abizia solmon at the Limbe 1council ,  involvement of female participation in reforestation projects. A better strategy to environmental restoration through tree planting.

Become a volunteer

Join us in Creating a green space for a green future

( Mr. Lawrence Co-founder Eco-empowerment).